And this is what the press reports:

hi-fi+, United Kingdom

[Listening test of the nextgen RCA plug WBT-0110]

>>> Comparison of plugs: nextgen WBT-0110 copper, Bullet silver plug, Neutrik

"Turning to the WBTs we find a different but ultimatively even more impressive performance! Greater low-frequency clarity and definition, tone and texture. Indeed, the tonal balance of the WBT plugs is more natural, along with more dimensional images and greater musical presence and body.

THE UPSHOT: The WBT-0110 Cu genuinely does represent the first example of the Next Generation. Expect ot see a lot of them; cost effective, mechanically adept and sonically supreme, at least for the present, there is no excuse not to use them.

Now, if we could only persuade hardware manufacturers to fit the sockets we could be onto something really good ... ." (Roy Gregory)


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